Le Pere Jules

After returning from World War I in 1919, Jules Desfriches, who had already earned the nickname "Father" (Père) Jules - because of his love for his region and its apples - decided to turn his passion into a craft. Orphaned at a young age, he was raised by his grandparents, who were themselves in love with Normandy and its treasures. With their help, Jules learned to make cider from apples from the family farm. He then started to sell his products locally. Due to its high quality appreciation, Jules Desfriches cider was increasingly in demand in Normandy restaurants.
Then, in 1923, Jules first distilled Calvados. Since 1919, quality and rigor have been the driving forces behind four generations of producers who continue to remain faithful to traditional methods and their love of their work. Their only desire is to be able to offer the best products.
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